18 Embroidery Craft Ideas on Paper for Binding

Look what a cool idea, especially to sell and be very successful with personalized gifts. If you already work with binding, here’s a fabulous tip for you to spice up your work. See with us how to embroider on paper for binding.
Embroidery is commonly used to decorate pieces of fabric but paper is a great material for embroidery as well. Especially the most fibrous papers, as they have more resistance to cut and wrinkles that the threads can cause.
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If you are a beginner, you can start training on small pieces of paper until you gain confidence to make a notebook cover. You will need a hole punch, which can even be a pin and a punch support.
1. Thread
There is no ideal thread for embroidering, as it only needs to have contrast with the base (notebook cover) and a volume to make it stand out. However, the most used thread for embroidering is the skein thread, as they have the ideal characteristics in addition to infinite colors.

I’ve seen some people doing embroidery with thinner strings, dyed in different colors, so consider this option if you want to do a more rustic job and spend less.

2. Example of Paper Embroidery for note Books

2. Pineapple Note Book

3. Flower Note Book

4. Cactus Note Book

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5. Cactus Pot Note Book

6. Embroidered By Cycle Not Book

7. Embroidered Camera Note Book

8. Embroidered Bear Note Book

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9. Embroidered Penguin Note Book

10. Beautiful Designs